I will be using the math certification exam as an example but the process can be applied to other subjects as well.
1) In my opinion, the best custom exams are those that are the most similar to the format, content, and degree of strangeness to the actual exam. Since prior actual exams are not ready to study from you will have to do some research on where to find other resources. Your State Board of schooling website may have some custom materials ready as a free download and they will give you some understanding into what the actual exam is like. They will also have data on all the topics covered in this exam. I would print out the list of topics and use this as a gauge to quantum the effectiveness of a custom exam. Obviously not every topic will be tested on every exam but you want to custom on an exam that will cover the most topics on the list.
3) Check with your school or your alternative certification schedule to see what study materials they have ready or do some research on the internet to see what materials are available. Talk with others who have passed the test and see who they recommend. Ask them how representative the study material they used was of the actual exam.
4) Once you feel you are ready to take a custom exam, sit down and do exactly that, practice. For example, I knew that my math certification exam had 90 problems in it and a 5 hour time limit. I took those 5 hours divided it by 90 questions to get an mean of about 3 minutes per demand so I strove to sass questions in that amount of time. Not every person has the time to sit down and take a 5 hour uninterrupted custom exam but striving to sass questions speedily and correctly in a timed fashion can go a long way in relieving the stress that most citizen feel when taking a test. Try to take it in a quiet room that will most simulate the test taking environment. The more comfortable you get taking custom exams in a quiet environment the more comfortable you will be when you are assuredly taking the exam. In fact, you can get to the point where you feel like you are just taking another custom exam which you have mastered many times, when in reality you are taking the actual exam with a safe bet and safe bet attitude.
5) Should you not pass the exam on your first try, please do not get discouraged. Look at this as a learning experience. Now you have seen an actual exam. Possibly the material you had did not help you get ready sufficiently. Now that you know what the exam looks like you can go find some good material that will be more representative of the test. Use the topic list that you downloaded from the State Board of schooling and check off each topic as you specialist it. If your making ready materials do not cover a topic, go out and get some further reference material, it's always good to be over ready than under prepared. Go out and conquer that exam the second time if you didn't get it the first time.
I sincerely hope that this report was of some use to you. Good luck and congratulations in selecting such a noble profession.
custom Exams - instructor Certification Exam For Math
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